June 29, 2021
Coming soon listings, customer agent name and chat failover

Coming soon listings
Coming Soon listings have now been added to the Smart Recommendations of your Roof AI bot.
Here's how those listings would appear in a Property Recommendation email campaign:
This will help promote your exclusive listings to your customers.
Gathering customer's agent name
This is a very common request. Upon scheduling a showing, or when inquiring on a property, consumers are asked if they are working with an agent and from which company. We now started gathering the name of the agent the customer is working with.
Here's how that experience would look like in the chat:
This information will provide a better context to you and to your agents.
Chat failover
The communications protocol underneath the Roof AI chat is called WebSocket. WebSocket was standardized in 2011 and adopted by all major web browsers ever since (more details on the browser implementation on Wikipedia).
But if you're running an unsupported version of the web browser - let's say Internet Explorer 9 or earlier - the chat won't work. Or if your internet connection is behind a corporate firewall, that would not allow the chat to work properly.
Those use-cases are rare. But to make sure we are not letting any consumer down, we added a special product feature that enables those users to take advantage of your Roof AI product and its marketing engine.
This will also come in handy if we are running maintenance upgrades on our servers (which we typically do on weekends late at night). But if a user decides to interact then, the form would kick-in instead of having the chat deactivated.
Here's how that would work for them:
By clicking on the chat icon, they can fill out a form and submit their contact information. At this point, the Roof AI system knows where they are coming from (which listing or page) and what type of inquiry they are contacting you about and the lead routing behind the scenes will work as expected.
Thank you for reading this far.
Until next time 👋
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